/devtool/launchConnect to or launch anonce
type profile(WebSocket Connect supported)
launch config, url-encoded json string in query, see full schema in body params
profile name
kernel type
fingerprint os platform
indicates autoclose browser after finished
indicates delete local userdata when browser closed if not a once profile
force start with latest kernel if no compatible kernel found
profile group id, invalid for once profile
an existing group name,prioritize using groupId if set, invalid for once profile
incognito mode
profile note, invalid for once profile
userdata will be automatically deleted after closed foronce
type profile, the default value isfalse
. If set to false, a new profile will be created
suitable for use when launching a large number of once browsers to increase fingerprint randomness. working on once profile only
profile proxy, higher priority than proxyGroupName
indicates skip proxy checking when launch profile, all fingerprints based on ip will not follow your proxy ip anymore
an existing proxy group name, invalid for once profile
inheriting cookies from profileIds, currently accepts only one profileId
browser port
indicates autoclose browser after specified seconds
startup urls
custom fingerprint
fingerprint flags
fonts list,works on flags.fonts
== 'Custom'
geolocation,works on flags.localization
== 'Custom'
languages,works on flags.localization
== 'Custom'; localization.timezone works on flags.localization
== 'Custom'
indicates the last session should be restored on startup
screen,works on flags.screen
== 'Custom'
webrtc ips,works on flags.webrtc
== 'Custom'
custom args with kernel command line switches,for example: {"--proxy-bypass-list":"domain1,domain2", "--headless":"","--load-extension":"dir1,dir2"}
"name": "testProfile",
"platform": "windows",
"kernel": "chromium",
"kernelMilestone": "132",
"once": true,
"proxy": "",
"fingerprint": {
"flags": {
"timezone": "BasedOnIp",
"screen": "Custom"
"screen": {
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.85 Safari/537.36"
"args": {
"--proxy-bypass-list": "domain1,domain2",
"--load-extension": "extDir1,extDir2"
Request samples
"code": 0,
"data": {
"port": 0,
"profileId": "string",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": "string"
"err": true,
"msg": "string"